Once you’ve installed Trinity College’s Free Microsoft Office 365 software, you can set up Outlook for Microsoft using the following directions. (Faculty and Staff using Trinity owned Windows computers should already have this software)

1.) Open the Outlook Application

2.) You may be prompted to add an account upon opening the application. Follow the prompts and enter your username@trincoll.edu in the email address field (e.g., jsmith@trincoll.edu)

3.) Select account set up type: Microsoft Exchange

4.) Enter your Trinity Password and Check Off “Remember My Credentials”

If you are not prompted to set up an account, please follow use the below directions.

Setting up Outlook on a Personal Windows laptop:

  1. Select File > Add Account
  2. Enter your username@trincoll.edu in the email address field, Click Next
  3. Select the account set up type: Microsoft Exchange
  4. Enter your Trinity Password and Check Off “Remember My Credentials

Setting up Outlook on a Trinity owned Windows computer:

  1. Select File > Add Account
  2. Enter the following information
    • Your Name: your name
    • E-mail Address: username@trincoll.edu
    • Password: your Trinity password
    • Retype Password: retype your Trinity password
  3. A prompt will appear: retype your Trinity password (final time) and Check Off “Remember My Credentials

Once the configuration procedure is finished, you will see a confirmation page. Click Finish. When you next open Outlook, you may be prompted for your username and password. Enter it in the format username@trincoll.edu.

The first time Outlook connects to Exchange; it will cache a local copy of your account. If there is mail already in your mailbox, this could take several minutes.